Omar Chocotea Poca
PhD in Statistics
About me 🔗
Omar Chocotea Poca obtained his PhD in Statistics from the Statistics Institute at the Universidad de Valparaíso in Chile. He conducted his research under the guidance of Professor Germán M. Ibacache from UV and Professor Orietta Nicolis from UNAB. His doctoral thesis, titled “Some Classes of Asymmetrically Linked Models for Dichotomous Qualitative Response Data: Properties and Estimation,” was subjected to evaluation by a distinguished committee, which included Professor Reinaldo B. Arellano Valle, a recipient of the prestigious Mahalanobis Award, from PUC.
Currently, Omar works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Universidad de Santiago de Chile.
- PhD in Statistics, Universidad de Valparaíso 🇨🇱
- Thesis Grade: 7/7
- Average: 6.7/7 (Passed with Highest Distinction)
- Master’s in Mathematics, Statistics Mention, Universidad del Bío-Bío 🇨🇱
- Thesis Grade: 7/7
- Average: 6.7/7 (Passed with Highest Distinction)
- Bachelor in Statistics, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés 🇧🇴
- Thesis Grade: 98/100
Research Areas 🔗
- Analysis of Perception Surveys
- Asymmetric distributions
- Asymmetric link models
- Bayesian statistics
Highlight 🔗
- Honorary Member of the Sociedad Científica de Investigadores en Sociología, Bolivia
- 2nd place in the statistical knowledge contest of the Latin American Congress of Statistics Students, Peru